
Trail Information

Tuesday, September 18, 2012 – 3:00 pm.

In keeping with Parks Canada’s mandate to protect the natural environment, a boardwalk keeps your feet dry as you walk while preventing you from trampling the fragile life in this highland plateau bog. A self guiding trail, signs explain life here – pitcher plants, delicate orchids, colourful dragonflies, green frogs and gigantic moose. The trail as well as the privy at the trailhead are wheelchair accessible. 0.5km loop. 15-30 minutes. Elevation 410 metres.
Difficulty rating -1B

Trailhead/Starting Point – On the Cabot Trail at the top of French Mountain

Bog – Google Map coming
Bog Trail Map, Cape Breton Highlands National Park, Copyright Parks Canada 2007-2012.  Used with permission
Bog – Photo Gallery coming