Trail Ratings

Please review the ratings before completing your registration form for the Festival

Each hike is rated with a number and a letter. The ratings below show the range of difficulty for each hiking trail. This rating will help you determine if this trail is suited for you.

Trail Difficulty Ratings:

Incline Number:

Rating = 1 – Very little hill or stair climbing.

Rating = 2 – Some moderate hill or stair climbing.

Rating = 3 – Some significant hill or stair climbing.

Rating = 4 – A good deal of significant hill or stair climbing.

Rating = 5 – Many steep hills or high altitude trails.

Terrain Rating:

Rating = A – Almost entirely on pavement; probably suitable for baby strollers.

Rating = B – A significant part of the hike takes place on well-groomed trails, with very little difficult terrain.

Rating = C – A significant part of the hike takes place on somewhat difficult terrain (rocky or rooted paths).

Rating = D – A significant part of the trail takes place on very difficult terrain.

Rating = E – The majority of the hike takes place on very difficult terrain.