Jigging Cove Lake

Jigging Cove Lake

I have the pleasure of sharing with you an article written by Mary MacDonald, one of the guides in this year’s Hike the Highlands Festival and Park Interpreter, CBHNP.  

Jigging Cove Lake – Mary MacDonald, Cape Breton Highlands National Park.

Jigging Cove Lake trail provides hikers an opportunity to immerse themselves in a rich Acadian forest habitat with strong Boreal components without having to endure steep climbs.  For those speedier hikers who don’t wish to linger too long in one spot, the whole trail can be done in an hour.   The trailhead and first few meters of the hike are quite unassuming.  However, as the trail unravels, you soon find yourself catching glimpses of a lake sparkling between Spruce and Maple trees swaying in the wind.   The trail descends towards the lake where it splits to the right and left.  Before continuing on your adventure, I recommend taking a few more steps closer to the lake to take in the wonderful view before you.  

Jigging Cove Lake is a magical spot teeming with life.  You may catch a glimpse of a moose enjoying the cool water, a green frog sitting on a lily pad, or hear the splash of fish jumping for insects. Regardless of which direction you choose to circle the lake, you will be serenaded by a number of birds including Black-Capped Chickadees, Nuthatches, Juncos, and Palm Warblers.  Their distinctive songs are a perfect accompaniment to the many shades of greenery that surround.   Crossing the occasional small bridge, take a moment to listen to the sounds of the streams as water rushes over moss covered rocks.  Sections of the trail shaded by Spruce, Fir, and Yellow Birch will open up into lush fern thickets that blanket either side of the trail.  While hiking the trail it is possible to spot the soft needles of the Tamarack rising above the abundant Sheep Laurel.Jigging Cove Lake is one of the 18 Guided hikes featured at the 4th Annual Hike the Highlands Festival taking place from September 14-23, 2007 in Inverness & Victoria Counties.  The festival Headquarters are located at the Heather room,  Glenghorm Beach Resort, Ingonish during the festival.   For more information on the festival and how to register visit : http://www.hikethehighlandsfestival.com